Call us today!!! 586-277-1123
Service Agreement
By allowing us to clean your home you agree to the following conditions.
All of us at A Clean House by Suzann work very hard to ensure that your home is maintained to our quality standards and to ensure that you are serviced on the date of your scheduled cleaning.
Scheduling - Our goal is to have all homes scheduled for any given day to be completed no later than 5pm.
On a holiday week such as Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc we reschedule all accounts to be serviced prior to the holiday. In these situations we extend our goal to have your home done by 6pm. We schedule our homes in this manner as it allows for us to be very flexible while dealing with the ebb and flow of each day.
Limitations - Our teams will do a thorough job of cleaning your home however there are limitations of their abilities.
Team members are restricted to lifting or moving anything that weighs 30 lbs or more
Team members are only allowed to climb as high as a company provided step stool (apprx 3 feet)
Dissatisfaction- Hey we are all human and from time to time someone is going to make a mistake. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with our service please let us know. Our goal is to make you happy so if something is wrong please let us know.
We will allow a 24 hour window to report any problems you have had with your service.
If notified within 24 hours we will gladly come out to touch up anything that was missed.
Complaints registered outside of 24 hours will require us to come out and see the job site first hand. From there we will decide what/if anything will be done.
Payment - Payment in full is due at the time of service. If payment is not made on the date of service a 25% late charge may be applied to your account. For reocurring service customers this payment will be due prior to the date of your next cleaning service.
Cancellations - We ask that if you need to cancel your service that you give us as much notice as possible. Our staff members are paid based on whether or not they are cleaning. When cancellations occur then we do everything we can to fill the time slot however if we cannot fill that slot then that team member has no work to do and they take a loss to their income. We have lost several fantastic cleaners over this scenerio because they would not be able to count on a consistant pay check. It is for this reason we have created the below cancellation policy. The money collected from any cancellation fees is used to help pay the cleaning crew for money they are expecting to make.
Cancellations NON HOLIDAY:
Cancellations made within 2 days of your scheduled cleaning date will result in a fee of:
$100 for first time cleanings
50% of cleaning service fee to people on a reoccurring service
Cancellations made within 1 day or same day of your scheduled cleaning date will result in a fee of:
$200 for first time cleanings
100% of cleaning service fee to people on a reoccurring servicce
Fees can be waived by rescheduling the date of your cleaning service.
Cancellations and reschedule requests (holiday) - The week of a holiday is by far the busiest week for us. We go to great lengths to ensure that your spot is secure and that you are serviced in time for the holiday. We tell many people that we are not available to clean their home for the holiday because that time is being reserved for you. We request that if you need to cancel your cleaning on a holiday week that it is done at least 7 days prior (unless otherwise notified) to your scheduled cleaning date. This will give us the ability to fill the empty time slot.
Any cancellations made on or after the 7 day mark of your cleaning date will be charged a full service cancellation fee. (First time or One Time cleanings is $200)
Any reschedule requests made on or after the 7 day mark of your cleaning date will be charged a 50% fee. (First time or One Time cleanings is $100)
Prolonged Time Between Cleanings- Our rates are based on your schedule of service. Basically the greater the time in between cleanings, the more time will need to be spent cleaning the home. If the time in between cleanings is more than 8 weeks we will need to redo the deep clean service at our hourly cleaning rate.
Skipped Cleanings- If you need to skip a cleaning your next cleaning will be billed at the appropriate rate based on time in between cleanings. For example if you are a bi weekly customer and request to skip a cleaning we will take you off the schedule for that week however when you return it will now be 4 weeks in between cleanings meaning that the return job will now be billed at our monthly rate for your home.
For example if your home usually takes 2 hours to clean but the retun cleaning takes 2 1/2 hours then you would be bill your usual rate plus our current hourly rate per cleaner for 1/2 hour.
If you need to skip an extended amount of time (greater than 8 weeks) then the return cleaning will be billed at the hourly rate.
Lock Outs (for reoccurring customers) - If we come to your home and are locked out we will follow the following guidelines.
1st time. In order to prevent future occurrences, we will ask for a key to the home or a key code to enter the home. You may choose not to provide a key or key code. The late cancellation fee will be imposed.
2nd time. If no key or key code has been provided we will again ask for a key or key code to enter the home to prevent future occurrences and will impose the late cancellation fee. At this time a key or key code will be expected to continue service.
Holidays - We observe the following holidays. On these days we will not be coming to clean your home.
New Years Day
Memorial Day
The week of 4th of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
The Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
All other days you can expect us to be at your home unless otherwise notified.
Bounced checks - If your check is returned a $40 charge will be applied to your account.
Fees - All fees are expected to be paid for by the time of your next scheduled cleaning date.
Extra Dirty Condition - After your first cleaning we will have learned what it takes to maintain your home. Your maintenance cleaning rate was determined based off of homes of similar size layout and approximate time that it takes to service homes of your type. If your home is maintained by you in a manner that extends the time to service your home significantly we will impose a $50 fee. If your home is consistently kept at a level that requires more time than expected we will contact you to renegotiate your reoccurring rate. ​
Deposits - In the event that you request the same job be rescheduled more than once then a non refundable security deposit of $100 will be required to reschedule a new appointment. For example, if a job is requested for the 12th and your reschedule for the 15th and then ask to reschedule again to the 20th; the request for the 20th would require a non refundable deposit of $100. The deposit will be used towards your cleaning but will be forfeited if cancelled and another $100 non refundable deposit will be required to schedule another appointment.
Temperature Conditions - When cleaning your home we request that your homes temperature be at a reasonable level. We have been asked to come clean houses that have been set to 45 degrees for move in cleanings and we have also been asked to come into homes in which the air conditioning has not been turned on and the home has been as hot as 100 degrees. Neither of which we can work in. We request that your home be set between 65 degrees and 75 degrees. If the team finds that the temperature in your home is outside of these parameters we WILL adjust the setting on your thermostat to adjust the houses temperature. We will also, when we leave, set the thermostat back to its original setting. In the event in which the temperature cannot be adjusted we will contact you to reschedule your cleaning.
Pictures - While cleaning your home we may choose to take pictures of an area(s) in your home to be used on our web site or for quality or training purposes. Pictures will never identify where you live. If you wish for us to never to use a photo from your home on our site please just let us know and we can have the images deleted.
If you have any questions regarding anything in this agreement please feel free to call and speak with us and we can discuss.
Our office number is 586-277-1123.